Imagine what your life with your dog could BE

Online In-Home Study Programs

Start small with one of these *mini In-Home Study Programs:

Stop your dog from pulling on leash

Does your dog ignore you on your walks? Are the squirrels and other dogs more interesting than you? Learn the secrets to creating a walk both you and your dog will love. Walking your dog shouldn’t be another chore on the to do list. BE someone worth following and your dog will be putty in you hands



Is your home a little more doggy daycare vibe than peace home vibe? Tired of constantly raising your voice and hoping the dogs will settle down? As someone with 5,6,7 dogs in her house at any given time, people are always surprised at how calm my home is. Step into calm with this mini program and get the peace you want.


Do you have a less-than-confident dog? What about a downright fearful dog? How do you know when to step in and allow your dog to face their fears? Well, in the comprehensive 3 part series, you will have the confidence to know exactly what to do the next time your dog has a fearful episode. Be the hero in your dog’s life.

“I have to say in all the years I have done dog rescue I have learned more from you in the 2 hours (consult) and 3 hours that I have listened to the courses from you than I ever would have.”

— Judy S, & Duke (The Fearful Dog Course)


  • Are you a dog lover who wants more than an obedient dog?

  • Do you strive to understand your dog on a much deeper level than tricks for treats?

  • Are you someone who is naturally “good” with dogs and wants to share this journey with like-minded dog lovers?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I urge you to join us in the Relationship Remedy Course and Community. You and your dog will love it.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.