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You’ll be asked a few questions to help us tailor our suggestions.


Personalized suggestions.

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Pick your program

Pick your online program or schedule your seminar, workshop or retreat.

"This weekend has been so mind-blowingly amazing for me and my dog! I learned how to build a relationship that matters to my dog. We have so many resources coming at us from the human’s perspective, but Tracy comes from the dog’s perspective. You can meet the dog halfway"

— Morgan S., Relationship Remedy 2 Day Workshop


I am already training in obedience. Should I stop and do this instead?

Everything you learn in Beyond OBEdience is meant to enhance your relationship, which will only make teaching your dog obedience that much easier!

Do you offer in-person training?

I do ask that even if you are local to me that you have the foundations of living Beyond OBEdience first. Choosing one of our mini online in-home study programs is a great way to get your feet wet before we meet in person. Remember, this type of work is not for everyone. If it’s not right for you, no hard feelings! If you are already a student through our programs and would like to attend one of our 1/2 seminars or workshops please see our EVENTS PAGE

What if my dog is aggressive?

Working through any of our programs is about you and your relationship with your dog. If you feel your dog is dangerous or has a bite history consider contacting a dog trainer that specializes in aggression rehabilitation first. You can always come back and work Beyond OBEdience to enhance your relationship with your dog.

Are you and your dog ready to get started?